These photos of flora and birds of Trinidad and Tobago were taken at the Asa Wright Nature Centre.
Beloperone guttata
Chrysothemis pulchella also grows around my parents' home in Rio Claro.
Holmskioldia sanguinea is also known as Chinese Hat. Beautiful and strange are the flowers.
Helconia chartacea
Jatropha podagrica
Erythrina pallida or Wild Immortelle
Trinbagonians call this vervaine Ven-ven. My mom recommends a tea of ven-ven leaves as a blood cleanser. Hummingbirds love it.
Powder Puff Flower (Calliandra surinamensis)
Emerald White-chested hummingbird

White-necked Jacobin Hummingbird

This photo was taken by Tahlia, my brother Matthew's brilliant little girl.
Hummm. Yummm.
Torch ginger (Phaeormeria magnifica)
Kohleria tubiflor
Trinidad is home to vast number of pteridophytes.
Selaginella flagellata
Bois canot (Cecropia peltata)
The leaves of Bois canot are favored by still photographers. You can see why.
Green Honeycreeper (Chlorophanes spiza)
Purple Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes caeruleus)