Butterfly sightings
elicit excited shrieks from delighted children and adults. It is a special
treat to glimpse these beautiful winged insects in our urban landscapes, floating
on the air or darting about. For some, seeing a butterfly is magical and a hint
of the spiritual realm. For others it is a natural wonder and a reminder of the
beauty and frailty of all life. Whatever you may feel when a butterfly captures
your attention, note that you are experiencing a privilege.
Like bees, butterflies
and moths are vital to our existence and like bees, their numbers are
declining. Many are on the endangered species list and others are rapidly
nearing extinction. Human intervention in the form of pesticides applications
and soil and water pollution has weakened their bodies; their food supplies and
habitats are razed for infrastructure and urban expansion. Unpredictable
climate and increasing temperatures are also disrupting their food supplies and
survival rates. Butterfly and moth populations in cities increase or decrease
in direct proportion with pockets of greenery, trees, flowering plants,
community gardens, parks, rooftop and green roof plantings and window boxes,
all of which, provide food and habitat for these attractive winged insects.
Still tweaking and adding more species to my collection.
Last winter I began
a project to become better acquainted with common butterflies, moths and
caterpillars that I spot on various landscapes and while gardening. My goal was
to increase awareness and appreciation of these beautiful soft bodies and
winged creatures, decrease caterpillar anxiety and create many ah-ha moments
among my fellow community gardeners. I was also hoping to inspire curiosity
among parents and children in the adjoining playground and
neighborhood of Harlem. These durable hand-painted signs were to be hoisted on
flexible bamboo rods and placed in various parts of the garden.
Red Admiral has striking orange-vermillion
bands on its upper and hind wings.
It is not difficult
to fathom how certain caterpillars may seem scary or icky. However, I was shocked to find that some people are
terrified of butterflies. One teen described an episode of Sponge Bob in which
the body and compound eyes of a butterfly were magnified and appeared to
terrorize the screaming Sponge Bob and his starfish friend Patrick. Those two
goofballs are such drama queens.
Some caterpillars,
especially ones donning spines, bristles or hairs, have been known to cause
skin irritations. In Trinidad and Tobago, where I grew up, a hairy or spiky
caterpillar is called a “chinney” after the French word for caterpillar
‘chenille’. Some people assume that such caterpillars “sting” or cause itching.
In response, many caterpillars are avoided and, unfortunately, often killed,
even the absolutely innocuous ones.
Like all organisms,
caterpillars seek to defend themselves when threatened. Some like the Black Swallowtail
caterpillar extends its osmeterium, a v-shaped structure that secretes a foul
smelling substance that birds dislike. Others attempt to look as threatening as
possible, like the tomato horn worm, which raises its upper body, somewhat like
a sphinx, hence the name sphinx moth. Some caterpillars have horn-like
structures that look sharp while others possess hair-like appendages that are
whipped around to ward off predators. The spicebush caterpillar sports
prominent eye markings to seem more like the eyes of a serpent, which is
threatening to birds and scary to humans. Some caterpillars protect themselves
from predators by means of clever disguises or camouflage. The Giant Swallowtail
caterpillar is mottled brown and white and resembles fresh bird droppings.
Others are colored as to be mistaken for leaves, stems or twigs. Some are
colored to resemble tree bark, which are great hiding places for moths.
The Monarch
butterfly caterpillar absorbs toxins from its host plants that in turn make it
and its butterfly unpalatable to birds. Other butterflies have evolved the
great defense mechanism, which is to physically mimic a different butterfly
species that taste nasty or is toxic to predators. A bird may see a Viceroy
butterfly and mistake it for a Monarch, which they know from experience, makes
them ill. Similarly, the Black Swallowtail and the Spicebush Swallowtail are
often mistaken for the toxic Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly. Birds stay clear
of all three.
caterpillars may look fierce with their horn-like appendages but they are quite
docile. They feed exclusively on various species of milkweed. Look for them on
common milkweed in weedy areas.
Unless you are a
bird other predator, all the grandstanding, strong odors or nasty taste should
not deter close observation of the wondrous lives of these little creatures
whose metamorphosis is such and extraordinary event. Caterpillars generally do
not move very quickly so you can get really close. Try not to disturb them or
redirect them if you think they are straying from their food source. Often a
caterpillar will seem to be aimlessly wandering off in no particular direction
That lonesome traveler is not lost but searching for the right place to hide
and form a chrysalis.
You may be allowed
to get really close to a butterfly or moth. Like bees they sometimes get so
focused on feeding that they do not notice you creeping closer. Moths often sit
still for long periods. Butterflies and moths are eye-catching and their
distinctive wing shapes and patterns are truly awesome. Be patient and you may
be rewarded with a display of both the dorsal (upper side of wing) and the vernal surface (under side of wing). Wing
undersides are generally of different colors and patterns than the dorsal
surface. Some butterflies and moths have incredible marbled designs and wonderfully
arranged shapes in linear and often concentric patterns. Some have deceptive
and attractive eyespots. Others don less distinctive or mottled shapes. All are
unique and provide incredible visual entertainment.
Monarchs are
popular for their size and beauty and for their migratory pattern in vast
numbers over long distances. This natural phenomenon is threatened as Monarch
butterfly numbers decline. Gardeners all across the US are growing various
species of milkweed, their host plant, to increase their population. These
majestic creatures also need lots of nectar from other flowering plants as they
make their long journeys to and from wintering grounds. It is always a pleasure
to see them in the garden.
This male Monarch butterfly visited the habitat
garden in Harlem regularly. The nectar of blazing star was irresistible.
Monarchs are
popular for their size and beauty and for their migratory pattern in vast
numbers over long distances. This natural phenomenon is threatened as Monarch
butterfly numbers decline. Gardeners all across the US are growing various
species of milkweed, their host plant, to increase their population. These
majestic creatures also need lots of nectar from other flowering plants as they
make their long journeys to and from wintering grounds. It is always a pleasure
to see them in the garden.
Monarchs feed on milkweed nectar but also enjoy nectar from many plant species.
common Buckeye butterfly can easily be identified by its many eyespots and rows
of chevrons on wing margins.
Variegated Flitillary
There are four
stages in the life cycle of butterflies and moths: egg, caterpillar or larvae,
pupa or chrysalis and adult. A butterfly or moth can lay thousands of eggs
during its short lifespan, which is usually between a few weeks to about nine
months, as in the case of Monarch. However, in all stages, staying alive is a
precarious business as there are many natural predators lurking, often allowing
only a small percentage of eggs, caterpillars, pupae or chrysalis to reach the
final adult stage.
None of the black swallowtail
caterpillars on my flowering parsley and bronze fennel lived to grow past an
inch long. Wasps that nourish their offspring with caterpillar juice gobbled
them all up. Lifeless, shriveled skins were sometimes left behind.
I do feel particular
sympathy for the poor tomato or tobacco hornworm that morphs into the elegant
Sphinx Moth, seen visiting the moonflower at evenings. The larval stage often
becomes food for larvae of parasitic wasps that penetrate the skin and lay
their eggs in the caterpillar's body. When they emerge, the hungry larvae feed
on the soft wormy body of their defenseless host. You may notice the white
cocoons of the soon-to emerge young wasps attached to the body of the ill-fated
caterpillar. It is a curious sight and one that I do not relish. This parasitic
relationship is beneficial to tomato growers as it keeps hornworm populations
in check. I came across a recipe for fried tomato hornworms. I wonder if they
taste like fried green tomatoes. Hmmm.
In their adult
butterfly or moth stage, these lovely winged creatures become food for birds,
spiders, and praying mantis. Last summer I found many Monarch wings at the base
of flowering plants. Large praying mantis, very cleverly hidden, were always
nearby on the butterfly bush, waiting but never in vain.
In both the
ornamental and vegetable gardens caterpillars may be uninvited guests. The aim
of a caterpillar is to eat and grow through various stages before becoming
mature enough to morph into a butterfly or moth, so the adult can mate and
Although they may seem ubiquitous,
Cabbage White butterflies are native to Europe and Asia.
Caterpillars have ravenous appetites and a few can quickly strip a
plant of its leaves. The sight of Cabbage White butterflies flitting around a
garden is a sign that their offspring may be responsible for the holes in
collard greens, kale and cabbages. I don’t mind them or the bites they take. I
grow enough for us all. However, I would not like to take a bite of one of
these green creatures while eating my dinner. Yuck!
gypsy moth caterpillar in Ashfield, MA ravished my friend’s juniper. This is
the larva of a non-native moth species, which is considered a pest.
was not happy to discover a colony of fall webworm on my Ilex veticillata.
Some caterpillars
can cause major leaf loss, leading to reduced chlorophyll and overall tree
health. I do not hesitate to destroy large colonies of tent caterpillars, which
morph into moths. One such pest is the Fall Webworms that have invaded my
community garden. The pesky caterpillars will morph into white moths after
growing fat on leaves from the apple tree and dogwoods. Although some
defoliation takes place, these caterpillars cause little damage to otherwise
healthy trees. This is undoubtedly in part because of the wide range of trees
and plants they nibble on. Fall Webworms have nibbled leaves of kale, the tender
first leaves of sunflowers and could be found just about everywhere in the
garden last summer. Mostly, they are just annoying. Unwanted caterpillars play
a significant role in the ecosystem too. After a few weeks webworm moths will
be plentiful and will feed hungry songbirds that need to fatten up before the
winter days.
Finding ravished
plants in the pollinator garden is reason to rejoice. I am thrilled to find
bites on any of the various species of milkweed growing in the Memorial Garden
bed at the R. L. Clinkscale Playground and Community Garden in Harlem. I
welcome Monarch butterflies, their caterpillars and all butterflies, bees and
wasps. The very attractive bronze fennel with its lovely yellow umbels is much
loved by multitudes of inspect species. Fennel leaves are very tasty, like
licorice. They are also much loved by the black swallowtail caterpillar.
Black Swallowtail caterpillars also
love the leaves, stems and flowers of Zizia aurea or Golden Alexander and other
plants in the parsley family.
Lindera benzoin or spicebush shrub
is the larval host plant of the spicebush butterfly. Last summer I saw no
evidence of caterpillars but the leaves of the native shrub are a favorite of
the leaf-cutter bee. I anticipate caterpillars next summer.
The Question Mark butterfly can
often be found feasting on rotten fruit, which may be available when flowering
plants are not so plentiful.
be surprised to find butterflies resting on soil, on beaches, on muddy or sandy
puddles and sometimes daring to land on a sweaty brow or shoulder. These
insects seek salts and nutrients that can be found on various moist surfaces.
You may also spot butterflies in unexpected places. Some species enjoy sips
from a juicy turd or rotting animals. Decomposition releases easily digestible
nutrients that some butterflies recycle into nourishment for their bodies.
Skippers are smallish butterflies with short,
stout bodies. See them resting with their wings held upwards.
moths are daytime feeders and flyers, like this Virginia Ctenucha.
The Eight-Spotted Forester is another day-flying moth.
a non-native and considered an invasive weed by some horticulturists, Buddleia
davidii is a favorite of butterflies. I once spotted more than six monarchs in
a one-foot radius of this shrub.
star gets a lot of plant love for from this Monarch and Black swallowtail.
A Black Swallowtail on Vernonia fasciculata.
cute as a button, the Sootywing is a tiny butterfly with a wingspan of just
about one inch. It flies low to the ground to avoid being noticed by predators.
It loves the non-native Verbena bonariensis.
Gardening, in so many
ways, is a leap of faith. If you want to see more butterflies, moths and
caterpillars, grow what they love and they will come. You will also attract
multitudes of bees, wasps, ladybugs and other beneficial and pollinator
· Grow native plant species
and other (non-invasive) plants that provide nectar and habitat.
· Urban living is usually
accompanied by limited space and opportunities to garden. Grow wherever you
can, on your windowsills, window boxes, tree pits, backyards, containers and
between herbs and vegetables in community garden beds.
· Entice butterflies with
rotting fruit, puddles and patches of nutrient-rich soil.
· Refrain from cutting back
plants that may be over-wintering shelters for pupating butterflies and moths.
· Avoid the urge to rip out
non-invasive weedy plants like violets as key are hosts and habitat for many
species of butterflies and moths.
· Be more careful about winter
clean up as larvae, chrysalis pupae and eggs may overwinter in leaf litter
under plants and trees.
· Avoid using pesticides. Sprays
and powders are toxic to caterpillars and are often harmful to bees and other
beneficial organisms. They are also hazardous to human health and may remain in
the soil to pollute several seasons of crops.
· Opt for handpicking or
hosing pesky caterpillars off plants.
Butterflies are
emblems of hope, endurance and change. Keep being curious and never loose hope
that human beings can work together for change. Our survival depends on the survival of our amazing
pollinators, which create a more resilient and beautiful planet.